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The show was eventually renamed The Bay City Rollers Show, and lasted for only 13 episodes. In 1978, Alan Longmuir returned to the band just as they were about to make their Saturday morning debut on the Krofft Super Star Hour. Mitchell also wasn't destined to last long with the group and he was replaced by Pat McGlynn, whose time with Rollers was also short-lived.

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But the stress of success took its toll on bassist, Alan Longmuir and he quit the band in 1976 and was replaced by 17-year-old cutie, Ian Mitchell. Another hit song, Money Honey reached #9 on the charts and the boys seemed unstoppable.

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The group hit #1 on the Billboard charts with S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night, which just a few years before had completely failed to chart in the UK. After having major success in the UK, executives at Arista Records thought these guys had a chance to make it big in the US.

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